Skye Paw Patrol Face Painting Class How to Face Paint Skye Paw Patrol

Skye Paw Patrol Face Painting Class – how to Face Paint Skye Paw Patrol Skye of Paw Patrol seems to be very popular with the girls these days. I have face painted a few full face Skye Paw Patrols but this one is different to the full face designs that are common. Some times kids don’t want their full face painted and prefer something sitting on their forehead, so this one is for those who choose that. We start the Sky Paw Patrol Face painting design off my loading up a 1/2 inch angled flat brush with a split cake called ‘Teddy Bear’ which gives us some nice brown tones which are great for Skye’s complexion. Take note of the step by step curves and one strokes which forms the base of Skye Paw Patrol’s face. Once we have this base, wa have a good foundation to work with for adding all of the other bits and pieces to complete this Skye Paw Patrol face paint design. I hope you enjoy this face painting class 🙂

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