Rainbow unicorn face paint tutorial how to face paint a rainbow unicorn

Face Painting Class: Rainbow Unicorn. Unicorns are probably one of my favourite creatures to face paint. They are magical and you can mix it up with colours that you use for their Maine, fur colour as well as their horn colour. It is endless when coming up with unicorn face painting designs. I just LOVE them! Enough about my unicorn obsession! Lets get down to the crunch with this face painting lesson. I start this face painting design off by sponging on a rainbow using a bright rainbow cake by TAG and once that dries, we will face paint on the unicorn horn which is done by using a 1/2 inch flat brush with some pink and lighter pink loaded up from the split cake that I’m using. Once we outline it we are good to go in face painting on the unicorns ears and maine which are also done using one stroke split cakes. Using my BAM star cluster stencil and my loaded up half sponge with white, we will sponge on a small cluster of stars. Make sure that your sponge isn’t too watery before picking up the white face paint, otherwise you will end up with a mess underneath your stencil. After some dots and stars, you can pouf on some glitter or pixie paint which will take this design to the next level. I hope you enjoy re-creating this, I’d love to see your version so please tag me your version.

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