Poppy Troll face painting tutorial – how to face paint Poppy Troll

How to face paint Poppy Troll from the Troll Movie I loved the Trolls movie and Poppy troll had such a vibrant, warm energy which makes her my favourite character! In this face painting class I will be face painting our lovely Imy. We will start by loading up a flat brush with some pale pink and by painting on an oval with two smaller circles coming out on both ends of the oval. – these will be Poppy Troll’s ears. We will then begin my painting the teal flowers on Poppy Trolls headband by painting on petals to make each flower. With some lime green loaded up on a no.1 round brush, I will connect the flowers resembling Poppy Trolls headband. Now we are ready to face paint on Poppy Troll’s crazy, fun, pink hair. Once her hair is painted on, we will commence with some line work to highlight and outline Poppy Troll’s face, hair, flower headband and create her smile and nose. Finishing off this face painting design, I will face paint some curls and swirls along with some stars and dots to give it a touch of ‘whimsical’. With some practice this Poppy Troll Face Painting design will become more and more familiar to paint on a child’s face. Have fun re-creating it. Happy face painting!

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