Dream Catcher Face Paint Tutorial How to Face Paint a Dream Catcher

Learn how to face paint or body paint a dream catcher – Native American face paint. I just love Native American artwork so when one of my viewers asked me to bring out a face painting tutorial based on Native American theme I could not wait to put this together for you! This dream catcher face paint design suits quite a tall surface area so on the job I tend to body paint this one on peoples arms, legs or chest. Sometimes the people that we face paint sometimes have a shorter forehead so this is when you can face paint this dream catcher on the side of the face starting on the cheek bone and making it hang down the side of their face. We begin this dream catcher face painting lesson by loading up a dauber tool (links below) with metallic gold and daubing on the centre of the the dream catcher. We then load up our half inch angled flat brush with dark purple and light purple from the Diamond FX Carribean punch split cake and circling the initial circle. Once that is acheived we begin our line work which consists of a bunch of almond shaped circles and round circles. We then go onto face painting on the features which I’ve used Taupo by Global Colours for one feature and Dublin by Global Colours for the other feather. We achieve this by painting on some diagonal brush strokes ending up in a vertical position with our 3/4 inch flat angled brush. Lastly we outline the dream catchers feathers and add some decorative swirls and curls around the entire design. I hope you like this! I’d love to see your versions of it so make sure you tag me with your work 🙂

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