Tropical Parrot Face Paint How to Face Paint a Parrot Step by Step

This Parrot face paint is easy to paint once you master each step of it. Kid’s don’t often ask for a Parrot face paint however I thought it would be cool to add this one to the collection. The one stroke split cake that I’m using to paint the parrots wings is a home made one. The colours that I’ve used are blue light blue, yellow and red. If you have never made your own one stroke split cake face paints check out my step by step instructions here Once our pretty parrot is painted we will use Leaf White by TAG using a small flat brush we will make some strokes to paint on the Palm frond leaves. Finishing off we will face paint a double dipped flower on top of the base of 2 large tropical leaves loaded with white and purple. You can add glitter to this face painting design to take it to the next level or leave it as it is. Hope you enjoy re-creating it xo

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