Dolphin Face Painting – How to Face Paint a Dolphin

Dolphins have always been magical to me. This dolphin face painting class gives you step by step instructions. To begin, we start by loading up a flat angled brush with a split cake containing dark blue, lighter blue or aqua. By loading up these colours with the tip of the brush on the darker blue we commence by painting a small ‘c’ which will be the dolphins nose. We then begin from painting an arch spanning across the top of the eyebrow and around the side of the child’s eye. We then continue painting on the rest of the dolphin. By using a face painting sponge, I begin sponging on some pearl teal then using a number 4 round brush loaded with some Wolfe white, I paint some brush strokes which will look like splashes of water. I then throw in some dots and stars and there you have a cute Dolphin face paint design. Have fun re-creating this.. Happy Face Painting!

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