Face Painting Kit Must Haves – Getting Started with Face Painting – My Face Painting Kit Essentials

Getting Started with Face Painting – Beginner Face Painters Essentials. Here I run through my face painting kit and explain what each item is used for. When you are starting out in face painting, you may not need to have such an extensive set up, however by watching this you will be able to make an informative decision about what would suit your face painting kit at the beginning and what can wait until you have enough funds to purchase.

When It comes to figuring out what you will need as a face painter, it can get a little daunting. When I first started out I couldn’t wait to fill up with face painting supplies and tools so that I could practice all day every day. Now days my kit is quite elaborate consisting of a variety of paints, powders, brushes, powder applicators, sponges, glitter, stencils and the list goes on. In this face painting class I will explain in detail all of the items that I have in my face painting kit.

Whilst you are starting out you may not need absolutely everything that I have listed here however this video will help you decide what you would like to start out with in your starter face painting kit. Once you become more experienced you will want to add some more items. These are the items you will need to put together a face painting kit for professional face painting.

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