Dragon Face Painting Class Step by Step – how to Face Paint a dragon

I remember when I was new to face painting and I was volunteering for a local event – I remember ii clearly a little boy was next in the face painting line and when he sat on my chair he said “I want a dragon and make it a mean looking dragon”. At that point in my face painting journey I had absolutely no idea on how to face paint a dragon. From that day on I remember looking up dragon artwork and attempted in copying them to get my dragon face painting practice up. Out of all of the dragons that I practiced painting, this one is my absolute favourite. In this face painting class, we learn how to face paint a dragon step by step which details each and every element that we need to memorise. I promise, once you memorise the elements you will be face painting dragons with so much ease and quickly. I have used a combination of greens for this dragon, however you can absolutely use any colour to give it a different look. I hope you enjoy face painting this dragon face painting design!

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